
He Leased It to Tenants

He Leased It to Tenants
By Father Phil Bloom

Bottom line: God entrusts his vineyard to tenants; they are not just the powerful ones. You and I are the tenants.

To say it in a few words: greed, laziness and deception.

Now, every citizen wants the ones responsible for this mess to be exposed and held accountable. At the same time - if we have paid attention to today's parable - we recognize that we will have our own day of exposure and accountability. The parable of the tenants speaks about the inevitability of judgment.

In the coming weeks we will reflect on trust and accountability in a serious, but positive way. Stewardship simply means that God has entrusted us with something - time, abilities, financial resources - and wants us to use those gifts for his glory and the good of our brothers and sisters. This Sunday's parable is about bad Stewardship, but we can turn it around - just like we can turn around our lives.

To sum up: Jesus speaks about the landowner - God - who leases his vineyard to tenants and expects something productive from them. And, once again, who are the tenants? For sure, they are the president and other national leaders. They are the bankers and business executives. But more to the point, you and I...we are the tenants.

Full story from ParishWorld.net

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